CloudObjects / Directory / CloudObjects / ObjectAPI 1.0
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ObjectAPI 1.0

a wa:WebAPI & wa:HTTPEndpoint in CloudObjects

This API provides access to object descriptions stored in CloudObjects.

Base URL

The endpoint is located at the following URL:


This API can be used without authentication.

This API supports HTTP Basic Authentication with shared secrets issued by CloudObjects:

A domain registered as a namespace in CloudObjects
The shared secret between the username domain and

With the CLI Tool installed, you can generate a shared secret with the following command:

cloudobjects domain-providers:secret <DOMAIN>
API Methods

These are the methods supported by the API:

  • GET /{namespace}/object

    Get the description of a root object in the format specified by the Accept header.

    Required parameters:
    namespace The hostname/domain for the namespace.
  • GET /{namespace}/object.{extension}

    Get the description of a root object in the format specified by the extension.

    Required parameters:
    namespace The hostname/domain for the namespace.
    extension The file extension, identifying the desired object format. One of: rdf, ttl, txt, jsonld
  • GET /{namespace}/all

    Get descriptions of all objects in a namespace in the format specified by the Accept header.

    Required parameters:
    namespace The hostname/domain for the namespace.
    Optional parameters:
    type Only get objects that have this RDF type.
  • GET /{namespace}/all.{extension}

    Get descriptions of all objects in a namespace in the format specified by the extension.

    Required parameters:
    namespace The hostname/domain for the namespace.
    extension The file extension, identifying the desired object format. One of: rdf, ttl, txt, jsonld
    Optional parameters:
    type Only get objects that have this RDF type.
  • GET /{namespace}/{filename}

    Get the content of a file attached to a root object.

    Required parameters:
    namespace The hostname/domain for the namespace.
    filename The filename for the attached file, including extension.
  • GET /{namespace}/{name}/object

    Get the description of an unversioned object in the format specified by the Accept header.

    Required parameters:
    namespace The hostname/domain for the namespace.
    name The name of the object.
  • GET /{namespace}/{name}/object.{extension}

    Get the description of an unversioned object in the format specified by the extension.

    Required parameters:
    namespace The hostname/domain for the namespace.
    name The name of the object.
    extension The file extension, identifying the desired object format. One of: rdf, ttl, txt, jsonld
  • GET /{namespace}/{name}/{filename}

    Get the content of a file attached to an unversioned object.

    Required parameters:
    namespace The hostname/domain for the namespace.
    name The name of the object.
    filename The filename for the attached file, including extension.
  • GET /{namespace}/{name}/{version}/object

    Get the description of an versioned object in the format specified by the Accept header.

    Required parameters:
    namespace The hostname/domain for the namespace.
    name The name of the object.
    version The version of the object.
  • GET /{namespace}/{name}/{version}/object.{extension}

    Get the description of an versioned object in the format specified by the extension.

    Required parameters:
    namespace The hostname/domain for the namespace.
    name The name of the object.
    version The version of the object.
    extension The file extension, identifying the desired object format. One of: rdf, ttl, txt, jsonld
  • GET /{namespace}/{name}/{version}/{filename}

    Get the content of a file attached to an versioned object.

    Required parameters:
    namespace The hostname/domain for the namespace.
    name The name of the object.
    version The version of the object.
    filename The filename for the attached file, including extension.
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Last updated
2020-04-16 10:59 (UTC)