a rdfs:Class in CloudObjects
A method that can be called on a Web API.
This is a class with public usage permissions, which means that any developer is allowed to create new objects on CloudObjects which are instances or subclasses of this class.
This class inherits from the following classes:
The following properties are supported for instances of this class (includes inherited):
- coid://cloudobjects.io/APIMethod content_copy
- Revision
- 1-7e1fdfa1f097d92b989b6e52a266a286 content_copy
- Short ID
- co:APIMethod content_copy
- Reference URL
- https://coid.link/cloudobjects.io/APIMethod content_copy
Objects in this namespace
- CloudObjects
- APIMethod
- Audience
- BNode
- CLITool 0.1
- CLITool 0.2
- CLITool 0.3
- CLITool 0.4
- CLITool 0.5
- ConsumerRole
- ConsumersDefault
- CoreIDType
- DNS TXT Verification
- DashboardDomainWidget
- DefaultAccess
- Developer
- Developer Object API 1.0
- Developer Object API 1.1
- DomainRelationsAPI 1.0
- Domain Verification Method
- Exporter
- FullAccess
- MemberRole
- Namespace
- ObjectAPI 1.0
- Owner
- Parent Domain Verification
- Private
- Public
- Root COID
- SharedSecret
- Unversioned COID
- Vendor
- Versioned COID
- Webmaster Mail Verification
- Website Code Verification
- allowsInstanceID
- canConfigureObjects
- canManageConsumers
- canManageDomain
- canManageMembers
- canManageProviders
- displaysConfigurationAssistant
- exportsObjectsWithType
- hasAttachment
- hasInstance
- hasSharedSecret
- hasSubclass
- hasTokenValue
- includeLinkedObjectsOfType
- includesConnectedAccountsFromService
- includesNamespace
- isAtRevision
- isFinal
- isVisibleTo
- makesTriplesVisibleTo
- permitsUsageTo
- recommendsPrefix
- returnsContentType
- supportsExporter
- supportsProperty
- usesFileExtension
- wasCreatedAt
- wasUpdatedAt
- withNamespace