a rdf:Property & rdfs:Resource in CloudObjects
Indicates that the object is a subclass of the subject class. Developers do not need to specify this relation, since CloudObjects automatically identifies subclasses of a class and includes them in the output.
This property can be used for objects of type rdfs:Class. The value must be of type rdfs:Class. Triples are public, which means the value is visible to everyone who has access to the object.
- coid://cloudobjects.io/hasSubclass content_copy
- Revision
- 1-627cab0389f419a7885e3828f7b90205 content_copy
- Short ID
- co:hasSubclass content_copy
- Reference URL
- https://coid.link/cloudobjects.io/hasSubclass content_copy
Objects in this namespace
- CloudObjects
- APIMethod
- Audience
- BNode
- CLITool 0.1
- CLITool 0.2
- CLITool 0.3
- CLITool 0.4
- CLITool 0.5
- ConsumerRole
- ConsumersDefault
- CoreIDType
- DNS TXT Verification
- DashboardDomainWidget
- DefaultAccess
- Developer
- Developer Object API 1.0
- Developer Object API 1.1
- DomainRelationsAPI 1.0
- Domain Verification Method
- Exporter
- FullAccess
- MemberRole
- Namespace
- ObjectAPI 1.0
- Owner
- Parent Domain Verification
- Private
- Public
- Root COID
- SharedSecret
- Unversioned COID
- Vendor
- Versioned COID
- Webmaster Mail Verification
- Website Code Verification
- allowsInstanceID
- canConfigureObjects
- canManageConsumers
- canManageDomain
- canManageMembers
- canManageProviders
- displaysConfigurationAssistant
- exportsObjectsWithType
- hasAttachment
- hasInstance
- hasSharedSecret
- hasSubclass
- hasTokenValue
- includeLinkedObjectsOfType
- includesConnectedAccountsFromService
- includesNamespace
- isAtRevision
- isFinal
- isVisibleTo
- makesTriplesVisibleTo
- permitsUsageTo
- recommendsPrefix
- returnsContentType
- supportsExporter
- supportsProperty
- usesFileExtension
- wasCreatedAt
- wasUpdatedAt
- withNamespace