a rdf:Property & rdfs:Resource in CloudObjects
Indicates that the object is a property that can be used to describe instances of the subject class. Developers do not need to specify this relation, since CloudObjects automatically identifies supported properties and includes them in the output.
This property can be used for objects of type rdfs:Class. The value must be of type rdf:Property. Triples are public, which means the value is visible to everyone who has access to the object.
- coid:// content_copy
- Revision
- 1-93b341e9d2cae6d00b6487347bda36c2 content_copy
- Short ID
- co:supportsProperty content_copy
- Reference URL
- content_copy
Objects in this namespace
- CloudObjects
- APIMethod
- Audience
- BNode
- CLITool 0.1
- CLITool 0.2
- CLITool 0.3
- CLITool 0.4
- CLITool 0.5
- ConsumerRole
- ConsumersDefault
- CoreIDType
- DNS TXT Verification
- DashboardDomainWidget
- DefaultAccess
- Developer
- Developer Object API 1.0
- Developer Object API 1.1
- DomainRelationsAPI 1.0
- Domain Verification Method
- Exporter
- FullAccess
- MemberRole
- Namespace
- ObjectAPI 1.0
- Owner
- Parent Domain Verification
- Private
- Public
- Root COID
- SharedSecret
- Unversioned COID
- Vendor
- Versioned COID
- Webmaster Mail Verification
- Website Code Verification
- allowsInstanceID
- canConfigureObjects
- canManageConsumers
- canManageDomain
- canManageMembers
- canManageProviders
- displaysConfigurationAssistant
- exportsObjectsWithType
- hasAttachment
- hasInstance
- hasSharedSecret
- hasSubclass
- hasTokenValue
- includeLinkedObjectsOfType
- includesConnectedAccountsFromService
- includesNamespace
- isAtRevision
- isFinal
- isVisibleTo
- makesTriplesVisibleTo
- permitsUsageTo
- recommendsPrefix
- returnsContentType
- supportsExporter
- supportsProperty
- usesFileExtension
- wasCreatedAt
- wasUpdatedAt
- withNamespace