SwaggerExporter 2.0
a phpmae:Class & co:Exporter in Web API
Public PHP Methods
This class has no public methods yet or a problem occurred while retrieving them.
This exporter can be used to convert objects with the type WebAPI. Export can be requested through the extension swagger.json
- coid://webapis.co-n.net/SwaggerExporter/2.0 content_copy
- Revision
- 3-22332b81a16ce2e66387d8d6ffbdbe2b content_copy
- Short ID
- wa:SwaggerExporter/2.0 content_copy
- Reference URL
- https://coid.link/webapis.co-n.net/SwaggerExporter/2.0 content_copy
- Last updated
- 2019-08-16 10:51 (UTC)
Objects in this namespace
- Web API
- APIKeyAuthentication
- APIMethod
- APIResponse
- AnonymousAccess
- AuthenticationMechanism
- CookieParameter
- DirectoryTemplateVariableGenerator
- EmptyResponse
- ExampleResponse
- FormDataParameter
- GraphQLEndpoint
- HTTPBasicAuthentication
- HTTPEndpoint
- MD5-hash Shared Secret Authentication (via API Key)
- HeaderParameter
- JSONResponse
- OpenAPIConverter 3.0
- OpenAPIExporter 3.0
- Parameter
- PathParameter
- PostmanCollectionExporter v2
- QueryParameter
- Shared Secret Authentication (via HTTP Basic)
- SwaggerExporter 2.0
- WebAPI
- WebAPIImportAPI
- hasBaseURL
- hasBody
- hasContentType
- hasDataType
- hasDefaultValue
- hasErrorResponse
- hasFixedAPIKey
- hasFixedPassword
- hasFixedUsername
- hasJSONBodyWithSchema
- hasJSONRequestBodyWithSchema
- hasJSONSchema
- hasKey
- hasMethod
- hasPath
- hasStatusCode
- hasSuccessResponse
- hasVerb
- requiresParameter
- supportsAuthenticationMechanism
- supportsCORSAnyOrigin
- supportsCORSForDirectory
- supportsOptionalParameter
- usesAPIKeyFrom
- usesAuthenticationParameter
- usesPasswordFrom
- usesUsernameFrom