a owl:FunctionalProperty, rdf:Property & rdfs:Resource in phpMAE
Assigns a static account context to the phpMAE class. The class can include `CloudObjects\SDK\AccountGateway\AccountContext` through autowiring and that context is initialized with the specified credentials.
This property can be used for objects of type Class. The value must be of type AccountContext. Triples are private, which means the value is only visible to the owner of the object.
- coid:// content_copy
- Revision
- 1-4cbbe069c223b9651f7ad07036991da9 content_copy
- Short ID
- phpmae:usesStaticAccountContext content_copy
- Reference URL
- content_copy
- Created at
- 2021-04-26 13:41 (UTC)
Objects in this namespace
- phpMAE
- AccountContext
- Class
- ClassDependency
- DefaultStack
- Dependency
- DirectoryTemplateVariableGenerator
- HTTPInvokableClass
- Interface
- Route
- Router
- Stack
- StackTemplateVariableGenerator
- StaticTextDependency
- TwigTemplateDependency
- WebAPIDependency
- allowsCORSOrigin
- allowsGETRequests
- enableCORSWithOrigin
- hasAAUID
- hasAPI
- hasAccessToken
- hasClass
- hasClassMailerDSN
- hasDefinitionFile
- hasDependency
- hasGlobalMailerDSN
- hasKey
- hasRoute
- hasRouter
- hasSourceFile
- hasValue
- includeParameterWithDefault
- proxiesRequestsToBaseURL
- redirectsToBaseURL
- redirectsToURL
- runsClass
- runsMethod
- servesStaticFileAttachment
- usesAttachedFile
- usesAttachedTwigFile
- usesStack
- usesStaticAccountContext
- whitelistsClassname