a rdf:Property & rdfs:Resource in Account Gateways
The HTTP(S) URL to a remote implementation of the Web API, to which the Account Gateway internally forwards requests.
This property can be used for objects of type WebAPI. The value must be of type xsd:anyURI. Triples are only visible within the namespace of the property.
- coid://accountgateways.cloudobjects.io/hasRemoteAPIEndpoint content_copy
- Revision
- 2-20311b107dd99b96910f34015b0cf91e content_copy
- Short ID
- agws:hasRemoteAPIEndpoint content_copy
- Reference URL
- https://coid.link/accountgateways.cloudobjects.io/hasRemoteAPIEndpoint content_copy
- Last updated
- 2017-01-09 10:38 (UTC)
Objects in this namespace
- Account Gateways
- Accessor
- Account
- AccountClusterFinder
- AccountConnection
- AccountGraphTripleAPI 1.0
- AppTokenAPI 1.0
- Application
- ApplicationInstall
- ApplicationMountPoint
- BaseMountPoint
- CustomConnectInterface
- CustomSignInInterface
- IdentityProperty
- Person
- Platform
- Service
- ServiceMountPoint
- ServicePublicMountPoint
- SimplePOSTListener
- WebAPI
- acceptsOriginValue
- belongsToTenant
- callsAfterInstall
- connectsFrom
- connectsTo
- grantsAccessTo
- hasAccount
- hasApplicationMountPoint
- hasConnection
- hasMethod
- hasRemoteAPIEndpoint
- hasServiceMountPoint
- isForService
- isOfApplication
- isSignedIn
- makesTriplesVisibleToConnectedAccounts
- mountsAPI
- mountsOnPath
- setsMaximumValidityForAppTokens
- supportsApplicationsWithType
- usesWebAPIVersion