a owl:FunctionalProperty, rdf:Property & rdfs:Resource in Web Platform
Specifies a phpMAE class that can be executed to generate a server-side configuration object for the module based on the site configuration.
This property can be used for objects of type Module. The value must be of type ConfigGeneratorInterface. Triples are public, which means the value is visible to everyone who has access to the object.
- coid://webplatform.co-n.net/hasServerSideConfigGenerator content_copy
- Revision
- 1-a60226f73c787b82fee5dc2648277a49 content_copy
- Short ID
- web:hasServerSideConfigGenerator content_copy
- Reference URL
- https://coid.link/webplatform.co-n.net/hasServerSideConfigGenerator content_copy
- Created at
- 2021-11-24 10:54 (UTC)
Objects in this namespace
- Web Platform
- AsyncJSFile
- CSSFile
- CodeGeneratorInterface
- ConfigGeneratorInterface
- DynamicCodeGenerator
- Endpoint
- Environment
- File
- FileEndpoint
- FontFile
- FontFile-TTF
- FontFile-WOFF
- FontFile-WOFF2
- JSFile
- Module
- ModuleDevelopers
- OtherURL
- PhpMAEEndpoint
- PlatformSDKInitCodeGenerator
- ProductionURL
- Site
- TestURL
- exposesEndpoint
- hasAttachedCustomAsyncJSSource
- hasAttachedCustomCSSSource
- hasAttachedCustomJSSource
- hasAttachedDeliverable
- hasAttachedEndpointSource
- hasAttachedSource
- hasDynamicallyGeneratedSource
- hasEndpointName
- hasFileContent
- hasFilePriority
- hasFontWeight
- hasServerSideConfigGenerator
- hasSourceGenerator
- hasUnicodeRange
- includeInEnvironment
- includesFile
- includesModule
- invokesPhpMAEClass
- requiresGlobalContext
- requiresModule
- requiresTriggerOrOptIn