a rdf:Property & rdfs:Resource in phpmae.cloudobjects.io
This property can be used for objects of type Router. The value must be of type Route. Triples are public, which means the value is visible to everyone who has access to the object.
- coid://phpmae.cloudobjects.io/hasRoute content_copy
- Revision
- 1-3ce851cfa76f380c0adc9906bea8cdd1 content_copy
- Short ID
- phpmae:hasRoute content_copy
- Reference URL
- https://coid.link/phpmae.cloudobjects.io/hasRoute content_copy
- Created at
- 2018-10-01 14:56 (UTC)
Objects in this namespace
- phpMAE
- AccountContext
- Class
- ClassDependency
- ControllerClass
- DefaultStack
- Dependency
- DirectoryTemplateVariableGenerator
- FunctionClass
- HTTPInvokableClass
- Interface
- MountPoint
- Route
- Router
- ServiceProviderClass
- Stack
- StackTemplateVariableGenerator
- StaticTextDependency
- TwigTemplateDependency
- WebAPIDependency
- allowsCORSOrigin
- hasAAUID
- hasAPI
- hasAccessToken
- hasClass
- hasDefaultController
- hasDefinitionFile
- hasDependency
- hasKey
- hasMountPoint
- hasRoute
- hasRouter
- hasSourceFile
- hasValue
- mountsController
- mountsOnPath
- proxiesRequestsToBaseURL
- redirectsToURL
- runsClass
- runsMethod
- servesStaticFileAttachment
- usesAttachedFile
- usesAttachedTwigFile
- usesProvider
- usesStack
- usesStaticAccountContext
- whitelistsClassname